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Chapter 3 Section 26 Smoking and Tobacco Use

Year Adopted: 2013
Revised: 2019


The College intends to create a learning and working environment that promotes the health and well-being of all students and employees. To help achieve this, the College shall be designated a “restricted smoking” campus and the use of any tobacco products, vapor devices, and electronic cigarettes shall be permitted only in designated smoking shelters.


The College will post no-smoking signs and provide other notifications as appropriate to implement this procedure. Restricted smoking campus means a closed private vehicle or a designated smoking shelter. In compliance with RCW chapter 70.160, smoking is prohibited within twenty-five feet of entrances, exits, windows that open, and ventilation intakes that serve an enclosed area. Failure to use a smoking shelter when required to do so is a violation of College policy and this procedure, subject to appropriate employee or student discipline.

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